вівторок, 27 грудня 2016 р.

About the project
“CU for Christmas “  is a project in which students will review Christmas vocabulary, find out about Christmas celebrations around the world, share information about people’s attitudes to Christmas in different countries, write a Christmas themed poem and talk about unusual Christmas gifts, send e-cards. This is a great opportunity for students who come from different backgrounds to share things about their culture and learn from others.

Students will increase vocabulary related to Christmas time, acquire a tolerance attitude and interest towards other cultures, interact with other children and carry out better teamwork, know Christmas cultural customs of European countries.

The outcome
Students learn about different customs around the world with technology and writing. Showcase the rich history, unique traditions and customs of Christmas. Discover the origins of a world-famous Christmas tradition. Learn and master popular Christmas songs while creating your own.

Щоб переглянути презентацію натисніть ТУТ
(The coordinator of the project is Tetyana Chuprynyuk)

Щоб переглянути наступну  презентацію натисніть ТУТ
(The coordinator of the project is Tetyana Chuprynyuk)

четвер, 15 грудня 2016 р.


William Shakespeare is the playwright whose name is associated with so many secrets and puzzles that the question: To be or not to be? may seem to be the simplest of all. On Wednesday the students of the 11-A had an opportunity to unveil some of Shakespeare’s mysteries. The task “Find Someone Who …” helped the students to “assess” Shakespeare’s prolific legacy in the terms of statistics. The girls tried hard to find those who know at least three tragedies or comedies (Shakespeare wrote 38 of them, so the task is not so easy, isn’t, it?). The students read some extracts from Hamlet, As You Like It, The Merchant of Venice and were really surprised to learn some of Shakespeare’s aphorisms which they thought were popular proverbs! All that glisters is not gold, Love is blind, and lovers cannot see were among them. A real treat for students was an animated film “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” which they watched with genuine interest. No doubt, the language of Shakespeare’s masterpieces is far from being easily comprehensible even for such brilliant English learners as the students of 11-A, but bright, eye-catching pictures and wonderful music made it fun and unforgettable.  

пʼятниця, 18 листопада 2016 р.

Шановні колеги! 
Приєднуйтесь до вебінару для вчителів англійської мови 10-11 класів - 
 "Teaching Writing an Informal Letter"

Спеціально для українських викладачів вебінар проведе Малкольм Манн, спеціаліст в області теорії та практики викладання англійської мови, автор екзаменаційних підручників "Laser""Destination"та нового екзаменаційного підручника для учнів 10-11 класів, розробленого спеціально для України "Get 200!".

Дата та час проведення: 23 листопада з 16.00 до 16.45

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